Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Miss Kilgore and her stop sign! Haha! The 7 boys that I had to walk down the block and across the street were trying to tell me how to hold it properly. "You're suppose to hold it straight out so we don't get hit by the cars..." Really, thanks!

We actually had some free time at work today so we took a few pictures!

Diane wouldn't smile so I started talking to her like you do when you want an infant to smile at the camera. Totally got her!

This is my first bulletin board to "decorate" so I wanted to get a picture for keepsakes! This board is in the hallway just as you enter the front door to the school... slightly nerve-racking that everyone sees it.

The joys of working with your mother! (This picture was her idea, by the way. And no, that mask is NOT touching my face. You think i'd be that crazy with the flu going around?)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn
(Nichole Nordeman - Every Season)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Claiming His Word

The prisoner is soon to be set free; he will not die and go to the Pit.
Isaiah 51:14
Be Still and Know That He is God.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Together Again

My brother and his girlfriend came in this weekend so we went spent Saturday evening at the boardwalk. It's been a while since we've all been together so, being the camera freak that I am, I made sure to get a picture. Timers are fabulous!

This picture makes me laugh and i'm not sure why... I guess because we're all just standing there lined up? Who knows.

Stacy and Brandon enjoying company before dinner!

This picture makes my heart happy! Don't you love the tiny body and large head? I think it's so cool looking! haha!

Me: "Is there a reason you still have that sticker on there?" Dad: "Because I like it. I leave stickers on my golf clubs, fishing poles, and now my hats." Me: "Alrighty, then!"

Fabulous Sisters!

I was told to wear red to support the Raiders. "Oh, i'll do more than that sista... I'll get my guns up!"

So not a football fan.

Got a little rivalry going on. A Texas Alumn, mom, and a major Tech fan, Casie!

This picture is just for laughs. Please tell me that you fell on the floor laughing when you saw Casie's face. Is that not HILARIOUS?

It's great to be together as a family again! What a fun evening filled with many laughs and much conversation!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Surfing and Sharing

I'm a sucker for simple, inexpensive, creative, wise decorations. Check out this mother of seven who was all of these and more when decorating her home that isn't actually a house.

This woman's decor reminds me of the passage in Deuteronomy chapter six that says, "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm not sure if it's the weather, the time of month, or the fact that this is my first real job, but i've been so exhausted this week. I decided to take a nap in the recliner so that when I heard everyone walking in and out of the room making noise, it'd wake me up.

Or, you know, someone can just take a picture of you while you're sleeping and that'll do the job as well. Cruel.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Capturing Creation

One of my new hobbies is photography.

I love to take pictures of nature, especially flowers. Here are a few of my favorite shots that i've captured over the past four months.
Most of the flowers were from my mothers pots outside on the back porch, but there are about 4 that were taken at random places i've been this summer - Mississippi, the mall, the lake.

It's so much fun to capture the work of our Creator's hands!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

On My Way

For those of you who haven't heard I passed my TExES exam this past week.

Friday morning I checked my email at lunch to see if the results were posted and I think my heart fell on the floor. It's one of those moments where you freeze up for a second because you don't know if you should open it or wait til' you're all alone at home in case it's bad news.

When it came up I scanned down the page looking for the big bold letters FAIL or PASS. The score wasn't important at the point, I just wanted to know whether or not I passed the stinkin' test. As soon as I saw the PASS I got up and ran into the main office where mom, Diane, and the principal (whom I house sit for and who gave me so much encouragement and study material) were. I barely made it through the door before the words "I PASSED" came screaming out of my mouth.

My mom has been given strict orders from her chiropractor not to lift anything, walk on the treadmill, or do any kind of physical activity, but that girl picked me up and spunt me around breaking all kinds of rules! haha!!

Fulfilling my calling to be super dramatic and nerdy, tears starting welling up in my eyes and I started to cry.

"I feel like I need to cry. I'm sorry, i'm such a nerd. I barely passed.... but I passed."

The assistant principal ordered pizza and we celebrated that afternoon! I love my job! Have I mentioned that? And I love the people I work with! They're so encouraging, caring, friendly, and man.... such a blessing!

Thank you, Lord Jesus! It is only because of You that I passed that test this week, and we may be the only two who truly understand that. I give You the praise and the glory because everything is done for You, through You, and because of You. Thank You for loving me and meeting all my needs! Praise You Jesus!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

You Might Be A Camera Freak If...

While sitting in the recliner sick with a sore throat, running nose, and throbbing headache curled up under a blanket freezing to death, your dad walks in and says, "Megan, I know you don't feel good, but there is a huge moth out here that you probably want to get a picture of." Then you proceed to get up and, indeed, take a picture of a ridiculous moth.

Your sister responds with, "I'll change" when you tell her that you need to take a picture together because you're both wearing white 'n black.

Your family frequently says things like, "Megan, where is your camera?"

The family dog refuses to look at you when you pull out said camera.

While driving down the road you stick the camera out the window to get a shot of the beautiful clouds up above.

Then you just might be a little bit of a camera freak!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE my job? Everything is going great and it's so much fun! I'm definitely more comfortable with the kindergartener's. I guess that's where my heart is right now, but who knows how things might change with time.

This morning I got to help individual students learn their ABC's - not just being able to sing the song, but recognizing the letter and matching the sound. That was such a thrill! Watching them learn is so neat!

My online courses are still in progress as well; two and a half more weeks and they'll be over.

Beginning this month I'll have to attend a workshop the second Saturday of every month for the next (school) year. There are observation hours that need to be done, testing, and so much more... but i'm making it. Amazingly!

It feels so good to see myself go after something. Sadly, i'm the type of person who waits for things to fall into her lap. But that's so not the case with this teaching deal. I'm putting my faith out there and learning to trust God with each step.

Next Wednesday, September 9th, I take my Generalist EC-4 Exam so if you think about it i'd love your prayers. I'm scared to even talk about it because i'm so afraid that i'm going to fail it. I've thought many times of not even mentioning it to people, that way if I fail no one will even know about it.... but here I am mentioning it.

Life is pretty hectic right now - I feel like i'm going nonstop, but I love where I am!

O Yeah! Yall, guess what? The Nester commented on my blog.... how cool is that? She's like a REAL blogger - like has hundreds of followers/visitors and gets paid to blog. And she commented on my Use What You Have Post. That is so neat! It's like a blog celeb!

Thank You, Lord, for being in control.... even when things seem to be going 90 miles an hour. You know me, You know my struggles, and You know my heart - i'm desperate for You. Help me to give it all to You! Thank You so much for all that You're teaching me. You are so faithful and i'm so unworthy!