Sunday, September 13, 2009

On My Way

For those of you who haven't heard I passed my TExES exam this past week.

Friday morning I checked my email at lunch to see if the results were posted and I think my heart fell on the floor. It's one of those moments where you freeze up for a second because you don't know if you should open it or wait til' you're all alone at home in case it's bad news.

When it came up I scanned down the page looking for the big bold letters FAIL or PASS. The score wasn't important at the point, I just wanted to know whether or not I passed the stinkin' test. As soon as I saw the PASS I got up and ran into the main office where mom, Diane, and the principal (whom I house sit for and who gave me so much encouragement and study material) were. I barely made it through the door before the words "I PASSED" came screaming out of my mouth.

My mom has been given strict orders from her chiropractor not to lift anything, walk on the treadmill, or do any kind of physical activity, but that girl picked me up and spunt me around breaking all kinds of rules! haha!!

Fulfilling my calling to be super dramatic and nerdy, tears starting welling up in my eyes and I started to cry.

"I feel like I need to cry. I'm sorry, i'm such a nerd. I barely passed.... but I passed."

The assistant principal ordered pizza and we celebrated that afternoon! I love my job! Have I mentioned that? And I love the people I work with! They're so encouraging, caring, friendly, and man.... such a blessing!

Thank you, Lord Jesus! It is only because of You that I passed that test this week, and we may be the only two who truly understand that. I give You the praise and the glory because everything is done for You, through You, and because of You. Thank You for loving me and meeting all my needs! Praise You Jesus!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Congrats! That is wonderful.

And yes, I do think you should run a 5K. I'll join you in the spring!