Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well, we got back from vacation just in time for me to unload my things from the car, throw some shirts in the wash, and start packing again. The camper hasn't even been unpacked and here I am packing away.

One of these days I will slow down. Right?

Humor me.

I didn't mention where we were headed on the blog for safety reasons and because I just didn't find the time, but I do plan to share, in pictures and stories, about our trip.

We took the camper to North and South Carolina for many different reasons. - It cost less than getting a hotel. We could cook our own meals which also saved us some money. And China could come along which meant we didn't need to find a sitter.

After about five days the camper was crampin' my style. I love my family, but all four (five counting China) of us in that thing for that length of time.... man oh man. We hit delirium Friday afternoon and it was clearly obvious to everyone who encountered us.

When we went for a swim in the campground pool dad did a wonderful gymnastic routine for us... Olympic style!

Walking to the edge of the pool near the stairs he stands tall, hands by his side and says in a strange accent, "And now on the tight ropes we have Wild Bill". Then he proceeds to walk very femininely down the stairs into the pool and gets on the ropes separating the shallow from the deep. He walked a few feet, as serious as can be, and then prepared for his dismount; a back flip into the deep-end.

Oh help us.

Then for some odd reason on our way home (mind you we are still pulling a camper behind us) he decides he wants to break the record for 'pulling into the tiny mcalisters parking lot, inching back and forth, and then turning around with a camper before the Sunday afternoon church crowds fills up the very last parking space'. It's truly a miracle that we made it out without a single scratch.

Anywho, a group of us from church are leaving tomorrow morning to head down South on a mission trip. I know it's where I'm supposed to be for this week, but other than that.... I don't know much. I'd appreciate any prayers that you remember to utter on our behalf.

I need to get some sleep.

Lord Jesus, thank You for family and for the funds to be able to spend a vacation together in such a beautiful place. The memories we made will last a lifetime. You have made me aware of so many of my words and actions this week towards my family and I beg You to help me change my ways in those areas. I love them.... help me to show them. You are good and I need me some You. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

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