Thursday, December 31, 2009

Glance Back

As the new year approaches I am reminded of where I was a year ago today; Some of you may remember my Not So Happy New Year post from last year. This past week I got to thinking about all that has occurred over the past few months (or, well, entire year) and everything the Lord has done in my life. Instead of feelings of regret, disappointment, and anxiety I stood in amazement and praise because of who He is.

This has been an amazing year!!!

It wasn't an easy year. And it wasn't pain free - gosh no. But the Lord set me free on so many levels and that's why it was a good year.

There were so many times when I was unsure - but He strengthened my faith. He showed me that when I don't have a clue, He does. When life feels out of control, He's still in control. When you make mistakes, He still provides ways.

Here are some of the moments that stick out for 2009 -

He brought me through college.
He carried me through graduation. And He comforted me there.
He lead me to my first job.
He opened doors for certification. Talk about second chances.
He set me free on an afternoon in July when I had been in chains for over a year. He set me free.... not me.
He helped me pass my test in September (the second time around). I'll never forget what He taught me the first time around.
He showed me what it meant to have JOY.
He answered prayers I'd been praying for years.

So I enter this evening and new year with thanks. And I personally thank everyone who prayed for me over the past year.

And I cannot thank You enough God. There are times when I let my pride get in the way of all that You want to do in my life, but I thank You for being patient and continuing to pursue. Please, continue despite what my flesh may say at times. I praise You for all that You have taught me this past year. Yeah, You've taught me a lot of things here on Earth, but most of all You've shown me who You are. That I can trust You when everything else seems shaky. That what the enemy meant for harm, You use for my good. You do have plans for me - and carry them out right before my eyes even when I don't recognize it as such. You are sovereign. You are love. And You can be trusted.... if we just let go. Once again, I can't thank You enough and I beg You to continue... in the coming year. I long for intimacy - to truly believe what You've layed on my heart the past few months. And I know that it's possible because You are God. I wait patiently for You and all that You have promised for me. I want to love You more in 2010.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Few Favorites from 09

Just for fun let's take a look at some readers favorites over the past year! Starting from January to the present....

Thank you for reading! It wouldn't be half the fun with out you!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How To Tie A Scarf - 101

I'm just gonna go ahead and admit that my new favorite thing to wear this year is a scarf. Most of you have probably noticed if you live in the same town as me and see me on a regular basis. A few of my fellow employees and church friends have even asked how to tie a scarf because they own some, received one for Christmas, or want to buy one. But the dilemma is they don't know how to wear them properly without feeling like a super nerd or looking like a dork.
My favorite way to wear a scarf is to fold it in half with one side slightly longer than the other (having them completely equal just looks too put together), then wrapping that across the back of your neck and sticking it back through the hole where you folded it in half. Then you pull it up and tada!! So simple! (In the picture below you can see where I pulled it back through.)
And now that I took the time to tell you all of that, I found this video of Big Mama explaining four ways to wear a scarf. Her personal favorite is also the one I mentioned above! So if you are equally excited about a scarf and want to know some ways to tie them - click here to view her video!
Happy Scarfing!!!
(PS - Walmart has super cute scarfs for like 5 bucks! The End.)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Kilgore's!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It seemed like there were a lot of children at my dad's family Christmas this past weekend. We've reached the point where all the nieces/nephews (us) are beginning to have kids of their own. For so long it was just a bunch of teenagers and college-ers discussing the new beginning in their lives. Now it's marriage and babies; With the exception of Brandon, Casie, and I. We are the youngest family so we haven't joined in on the fun yet. :) One day, one day!

Here are some pictures of my precious family in Mississippi.

Samuel thoroughly enjoyed cracking pecans and eating them.

I finally got to meet Gracie Ann!

I already introduced you to Hannah...

Here she is waiting on her present.

Ash was super excited about exchanging gifts!

Carson was the very last child to get a present, but as you can see by the picture.... she waited oh so patiently! :)

Gracie huggin' her Mickey that she unwrapped.

Mom hung out with Trevor because he's so dang cute.

Casie and Macy enjoyed the beautiful weather!

And the kids played football with an LSU cup. Talk about improvising!

Don't let Macy fool you. She's girly, but she can hold her ground.

I wish we lived closer to these people, but since we don't I settle for facebook.

And amazingly, we've been able to keep in touch because of it!

Journal Entries

Yesterday I got the chance to sit down with some very dear friends of ours and chat for a little while. The time or topic was not planned, but I do feel led to share.

The mom was sharing how she keeps a journal of prayers, devotions, and thoughts of her time with God. She caught herself flipping back through old pages and reading some of her thoughts/cries over the past year. It was amazing to see a prayer and then find the day that it was answered.... sometimes quicker and sometimes longer than we expect.

When I was in the youth group our women's leader encouraged us all the time to write down our prayers and keep a journal. I'm so glad that I took her advice during those years for the very same reason mentioned above.

I can never remember how in-depth I went on my situation at OBU so i'm going to share a little in this post because it is relevant. I met a guy the summer before my freshman year at OBU (and you'll even find that in my journal- ha) and we instantly started dating. Wise, probably my wisest decision ever. For what it's worth I really and truly thought it was from God and that's where I was supposed to be.

The two months of summer that were left before I moved off to college we spent traveling back and forth to visit each other. During one of those visits something happened that I never expected... and although most people do not know this - I broke up with him that same night. I told him that I was serious and ready to be where God wanted me, and with who ever He had for me. I was no longer interested in high school immature worldly-ness. If that was how our relationship was going to be then I wanted no part of it.

It is so interesting to see the strong independent person that I was in my journal before and going into that relationship, and then who I turned into as a result of that relationship. Somewhere deep inside that person is still there and she's starting to show herself... Praise the Lord! It's taken me quite some time to see how much the decision I made to stay in that relationship has effected me, but my God is good and so very patient.

After my talk with him that night he shared that he had the very same desire and it would never happen again. (Wishful thinking)

We met in June and (if you recall) my depression/break down started in about October, a few months later. What's odd is that when you flip back through the pages of my Journal there are entries in August of doubt and fear in my relationship with this guy. I don't remember it occurring that early, but you cannot deny what was written in ink.

There were doubts and questions of whether or not this is truly where God wanted me or if I had heard Him incorrectly. Something was obviously on my heart.

The entry that sticks out the most to me is one that I read the week my mother moved me home from OBU. I was hurting and lost. I was clingy and dependent. I was confused, depressed, and lonely. And although I never admitted it then.... I wanted to be rescued.

School had not ended yet, but she felt like it was no longer safe (for me or him) to be in the same town on the same campus. So she showed up without warning, loaded up the car, and moved me home. The next 2 weeks my parents drove back and forth (2 1/2 hours) every morning so that I could finish my semester.

I remember feeling guilt. Guilt that I hadn't tried hard enough - to make friends, to make our relationship work, to enjoy school away from home. But as I sat down to unpack my bags and get settled back into my room at home I found myself reading through the pages of my journal.

One of the first pages that I came to had this written on it - Megan, I chose these parents for you for a reason. I knew what I was doing and they are perfect for you.

I don't know that I could even find those words again in my journal today, but I will never forget that moment as I sat on my bedroom floor blown away. I was doubting their decision to bring me back to this place. I was having trouble trusting them to lead. But those words gave me a little bit of peace that day... and obviously more than I realized because I can't seem to forget it.

I haven't kept a journal since that time in my life. I tried, but the pain was so hard that I couldn't stand to take the time to write it out everyday. You remember and pay attention to more when you write it down, especially prayers. And I just couldn't do it during that time. Part of me wishes that I would have because it's so interesting to see a prayer and then see the answer on the devotional that you read the next day. We are so blind.... but He is so patient and continually there.

So today I am thankful for our Women's ministry leader during my time in the youth group and all that she taught me. I hadn't realized how much I learned and how stable my life was during those years because of that group... but thanks to my journal I can flip back and remember.

I'm sorry if this post was depressing. I just wanted to encourage you that God is there. In the midst of your pain and confusion... when You can't seem to find Him anywhere.... you will find Him on the pages of your journal. Answers and evidence are written all over it.

If you get a chance over the holidays, take some time to read back through your old journals and prayers. You'll be amazed at what you find. You'll be reminded of where You use to be, where He has brought you, and for those of you who may be going through a dry time - you'll be reminded of your first Love.

Thank You, God, for reminders. Reminders of where we use to be with You. Thank You for youth leaders who encourage and challenge us. Thank You for a church family. And thank You most importantly, for You... how You are constant, faithful, soveriegn, and ever so patient. When I can't seem to find it in my life, it's evident in the pages of my journal. Thank You. I love You.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How It Has Been

It seems like I can only keep this thing up to date when i'm home for the holidays. There have been many things that have happened these past few months that i've thought 'I need to blog about that' but there just hasn't been the time. Hopefully this post will get you up to date on a few things in our household.

Mom and I were asked to provide entertainment (by singing) at our work Christmas party two weeks ago. We sang When Love Came Down by Point of Grace and I don't think i've ever been more nervous in my life. I've sang in many different places for many different faces, but I've never had to sing for my fellow employees who were sitting approximately 5 inches away from my microphone. You don't think about the little things - like being on a stage a good distance away from your observers, or having bright lights in your eyes so that you can't see the blank stares people give you while you're singing. It was different than any other place i've had to sing. But it went well!

Friday was early-release for the schools and Christmas break officially began. It was at that moment that I realized Christmas was 7 days away and I had yet to purchase anything. Where did the time stinkin' go?

We spent this past weekend in Mississippi with my dad's side of the family and it was so much fun! Facebook has brought us closer than you'd ever expect. We Texans are able to communicate and keep up to date with what's going on in our cousins/aunts/uncles lives all the way over in Mississippi. For shy people like me it's helped to break the ice a little. In an odd way, i'm so very thankful for facebook. Never thought i'd say that. (Pictured above is precious Hannah Bear - is she not cute)

Brandon was not able to make the trip with us this year because he is a manager at Sears now. I don't think i've made that announcement yet. Yay Brother! He is absolutely thrilled and seems to be enjoying what he's doing. He is suppose to get into town on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas day with us here at home. It'll be so good to spend time with him!

Two of my childhood friends are engaged to be married this summer (2010) and it so doesn't seem right. Erin won some kind of contest where her and her bridesmaids got make-overs. We did that today and it wasn't as bad as I expected. The last time someone else applied make-up to my face I felt like I had ten layers of cake icing on my skin and wanted to wash it off immediately. Thankfully that was not the case today.

The lady was trying so very hard to get me into black eye-shadow and red lipstick. Apparently I have the hair, eyes, and skin color to pull it off. I did not give in..... aren't we all glad.

Although, I did come away with the knowledge that I have an oval face, hooded eye-lids, and medium lips. Red lipstick is so bold and so not in. And my name is Megan Kilgore.

Casie and I managed to get all of our Christmas shopping done this afternoon (along with everyone else in East Texas) and now we will spend the evening wrapping presents. Mom and I had to make a trip to the store tonight for some last minute grocery items and while we were out it started to sprinkle. She got her hair done today so she pulled out her umbrella and exclaimed, "I can't mess up my pretty hair!" I told her if she really wanted to show it off she just needed to go to Walmart because half of the town was there. But what's really funny is what happened 10 seconds later...

... Not sure that umbrella's gonna do you much good. But good try.

My kindergarten language is starting to show up in every area of my life. My poor sister has to put up with it the most. Enjoy our video!! I got bored on the car ride home - Just decided to turn on the camera to see what would happen.

Megan: "What are you readin' Casie?"
Casie: "Leave me alone"
Megan: "That is not kind. Those are not kind words coming out of your mouth."

I love you all and hope you have a very merry Christmas with your family!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's been a while since i've written an update on how work is going. Words cannot express how much I enjoy what i'm doing. Never in a million years did I think I would end up in a public school working with children, but I really and truly love it. Thank You, Lord, for guiding my footsteps even when I felt like I had no idea where I was going. You are soveriegn and You never let me down.

The other day at work we were discussing how you know when he's the one? And well, I don't know how you know when he's the one, but I would assume it would be a lot like this job experience that i'm currently going through. I didn't hear a voice that said - Megan, you should teach. I also didn't feel a big tug on my heart. I simply had an opportunity and walked through the door (very hesitantly might I add.... my mom might have pushed me in actually. ha!). The first day I subbed in the public schools I was almost at tears after 60 minutes. My mom came to check on me and I said, "I want to go home... I can't do this." For some reason I stuck with it - He was guiding my footsteps all along the way, even though I hadn't a clue. When I continued to take one step at a time I could look back and see a continual peace that never left. Sure, there were (and still are) days when I thought I do not know if I am capable of this, is this where i'm suppose to be? But underlying all of those thoughts (and even doubts) there was a peace that was sustaining me - it never left.

It's one of the most interesting things i've ever experienced.

First, I trust that this is where He wants me because the peace hasn't left and secondly, because there is growth in my life. It's one thing to see growth in yourself, but when you have others point it out as well - it takes it to a whole new level.

One of my weaknesses is relationships. Not just dating, but getting extremely close to people in general. I don't have a problem telling you my struggles or what's going on in my life, but if you want an ongoing relationship with me - it's hard for me to open up and get comfortable. The Lord has used my position to open my heart up to relationships. I have to let people in with my job - there's no going around it. I'm becoming a more confident individual and i've made some awesome friends!

It feels great to be excited about what i'm doing. Those two years in college when I forced myself to practice piano, memorize latin/greek/spanish/etc, and perform opera for some over-the-top happy music people were some of the hardest months of my life. I knew I was good at music so I figured that's where He wanted me... and even when I dropped my major in the back of my mind there was always this guilt that I hadn't tried hard enough. There is a difference in this job than when I tried to study music. I have a passion for understanding children, seeing them learn, helping them overcome problems, and just loving on them in general. There is something inside of me that doesn't want to stop at good enough. I want to keep them engaged and get them excited about learning! I want to find ways for each individual child to understand the concept we are learning.

Call me a nerd. Happy to accept it!

The Lord is even using the struggle I had with depression and mental issues (I don't know what else to call them) in this job. No one chooses to be a bad person, something happened or is happening that is triggering what's going on.... and I have a heart that understands. It brings tears to my eyes as students are brought to mind in this very moment.

I guess what i'm trying to say in this random, scattered post is that my God is a faithful, sovereign, powerful God. He will not leave you and He will not let you down. Even when you feel like you have NO stinkin' idea where you are headed - He is guiding and will use what you're going through. He has strengthened my faith in so many areas through this experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I wish I could find the words, but I don't even know how to explain it.

So for now.... I continue to learn, grow, and give my all where He has me. And if He decides to place me somewhere else - I'll take it one step at a time and trust Him along the way.

Praise You God.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Do you ever feel like certain memories get tucked away in some sort of safe and you forget they exist? Sometimes something triggers it and you remember it all over again.

The Thanksgiving holidays have already come and gone, but mom reminded me of something very special that we did on this day that i'd forgotten about throughout the years.

My aunt came up with this very fun idea for our family and I really like it! On the morning of Thanksgiving we went out into the yard, as the men cooked the turkey, and found things to create a centerpiece. Leaves, Acorns, Branches, Pinecones... Anything was game and everyone was involved (especially the kids and their creative lil' minds). You can put it on a tray with some candles, place all your gathered items in a clear vase, or even just spread your findings along the center of the table on top of (or as) your table runner. And anything else that comes to your mind. I'm all about free, fun, creative ideas and this one involves the entire family!

I wish I had a picture to post from that time, but that was before I ever dreamed of owning a digital camera.

Do you have any creative ideas, decorations, memories, or traditions that you do with your family on Thanksgiving?

Check out the Nester's center piece!!! How unique and simple... and such an interesting way to make a statement.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Home for the Holidays

Mom comes in my bedroom, as I am searching for my cellphone that is continually beeping yet no where to be found, and announces that she needs Casie and I for a meeting. She states that we need hamburger buns for dinner and then pulls out a coin.

Megan: "O gosh. This involves leaving the house."
Mom: "We're gonna flip to see who has to go to the store and get them."

The saying "Home for the Holidays" is apparently a literal term for this household.

Picnik Pictures

Emily, Chatting at the Sky, shared a link with us on her blog the other day. Picnik is a website where you can upload photos and edit them. There are all kinds of crazy things you can do to make your photos unique, fun, sharp, etc. I just haven't spent enough time on there yet to figure out how to work everything.

I did upload this incredibly odd colored photo of my family on Thanksgiving to see if I could somehow make it look like we weren't all ill. Here's how it turned out....

Did I mention it was free?
So go! Create an account. Mess with some photos. Get your creative juices flowin'. And then be sure to show me what you did!
(I'm off to try and make my mom's shirt not so NEON.)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

The Kilgore Family 2009


For your reading pleasure, here we were a year ago today - Thanksgiving Day 2008

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank You, God, for friends

Today some very dear friends made a special little trip to see us for a few hours. Chris and Tori were college students who attended the church we grew up in. Brandon, Casie, and I were in Elementary and Middle school during that time, but they still hold a special place in our hearts. Casie and I were even flower girls in their wedding!

Those were the good days! I have so many sweet, fun memories from those 3 short years that sometimes I wish I could venture back into those moments.

Lilly and I seemed to click right off the bat; I think it's that Kindergarten bond! :) haha!!!

Time has flown so quickly - they now have four precious children of their own who are the ages that Brandon, Casie and I were when they were attending college. How crazy is that?

Lord, thank You for Chris and Tori! Thank You for a spur of the moment visit with them this afternoon. They do hold a very special place in our hearts! We love You, and praise You for the simple gift of friends.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's not too early for Christmas decorations is it?

Found these cute lil' towels that "match" my bathroom to spice things up a bit.

And some brown ornaments on top of my towel rack.

Simple things here and there to bring in the season.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Burn Baby Burn

Me: My heart hurts.
Mom: It's probably heart burn. Take a drink real fast.
I proceed to sip my DrPepper real fast like I was told.
Mom: That should make you burp and get rid of the heart burn.
Me: All that did was give me freezer burn.
Mom bursts into uncontrollable laughter...
Me: I mean a brain freeze. I knew it had an f and a b in it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can I get that for you?

This is what happens when you lose your keys.... and then find them in the bottom of your purse a few days later. Don't ask.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Falling Acorns

Do you have a favorite season?

When asked this question I usually automatically blurt out summer. You know, because of the sun, tan, water, boat rides, relaxing, camping, etc.. But then as the other seasons roll around I remember how much I enjoy those as well! The change is so refreshing!

There are different things that trigger my memory for each season. For example, hot chocolate, big puffy coats, and trips to Mississippi automatically remind of me winter.

Yesterday as I was getting ready for work I heard a loud thud followed by a faded trickle as it rolled off the roof above. Ahh.... Fall - The sound of acorns hitting the roof. Something about it is so peaceful to me and it only happens during this season.

Take a moment to think. Is there something that happens during this season that makes you think Fall? Something about nature. Something you do as a family. Some event that happens around this time each year. Or something simple and random like falling acorns on the roof.

What is Fall to you?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Foto

Taking pictures is like a new release for me. It excites me to go out with my camera and just mess around; I enjoy the alone time as well. Here is a picture I accidently got the other day when I was attempting to take pictures of Fall. And I say accidently because it's an accident any time I get a good photo. I only do it for me and for fun, but tonight I share one of my favorites with you!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today October 16, 2009

Outside my window... it's dark and I can't see a thing.

I am thinking... that it's one thing to hear news, but it's completely different to see it in writing. I got my letter in the mail yesterday from Region 7 that says I am highly qualified in the areas of Generalist EC-4 and Music EC-12 and am now eligible for employment. Is this really happening?

I am thankful for... the soveriegnty of God.

From the learning rooms (slowly switching roles from student to teacher)... I'm working on completing my observation hours before December and attending workshops once a month to prepare me for my first year of teaching.

Our new Superintendent made every employee of MISD come up with goals for the 2009 - 2010 school year. We met with our Principal this week to discuss how we were going to measure those goals and discuss how to get started. Since my plans are to be a teacher within the next year, I figured my goals should help in preparing me for that position. I am now keeping a log of my classroom time, teaching (and documenting it) once every two weeks, attending The Learning Circle for first and second year teachers, and tutoring for third grade math on Monday's and Thursdays. I am so excited!

From the kitchen... Subway was for dinner tonight!

I am wearing... a brown t-shirt and grey fleece pants. Bed time is approaching even though it's only 8:53.

I am creating... a time log for classroom observations, a list of educational terms that I have yet to master, and a notebook with tutoring activities. Nothing decorative, but still very exciting!

I am going... to give China her medicine and then head to bed.

I am reading... The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. My pastor mentioned it to me a few months back and although I blew it off then, it hasn't left my mind since. A friend bought 2 copies of a book that he'd been wanting to read and gave me one of them. I never mentioned the book to anyone... How amazing is it that it's the same book that my pastor recomended? I don't believe in coincedences.

I am hoping... to continue to experience growth and healing. Thank You, Lord for all that You are doing. I'm truly overwhelmed and thankful!

I am hearing... the football game that Casie is listening to on the radio and the music playing on her computer as I type.

Around the house... pretty quiet around here at the moment. Mom and Dad went for a lil' anniversary get away this weekend.

One of my favorite things... listening to a congregation lift up their voices to the Lord God. Have you ever thought about how we are praising the same God that Abraham, Moses, Noah, Luke, Mary, and so many other Saints praised many years ago? I know that sounds so simple, but it just hits you differently at certain moments. Kind of like the words "what do I know of You who spoke me into motion?" did earlier this afternoon. The One who spoke me into motion - that's so overwhelming.

A few plans for the rest of the week... sleeping in tomorrow morning (yes, yes, yes), cleaning house all day, hanging out with friends tomorrow night, and church on Sunday. This is random but I saw this on a church sign back in July and I just have to share - Church is a gift from God; assembly required. Is that not great?! :)

Here is a picture thought... the deer who have been lingering in our back yard for what seems like 3 months. Such beautiful creatures, yet so very hard to photograph. This was taken from my bedroom window - I looked out one day and was caught off guard by how close they were. Sorry about the branches in the way... once again, very hard to photograph.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

"There's Nothing We Can Do"

My parents wanted two children; a boy and a girl. They'd been married for a few years and their plans for a family were complete after the birth of Brandon and I. Two and a half years later they found out they were expecting again, but it was not part of their plan. This little surprise was definitely from God and they started to realize that much later.

My sister Casie was born October 3, 1989 a few weeks premature. The doctors held my mother and her newborn baby in the hospital for a while trying to run tests and figure out what was going on with her. After 11 days they sent my parents home with the news, "there's nothing we can do."

Appearently my baby sister's body didn't have the immunities to fight off any sickness that entered her body. The doctor's told us the first time she got sick she wouldn't make it.

I remember hearing my dad tell the testimony of that time in their lives as newlyweds and young parents. He recalled my mother being so upset that she could not even pray. She was angry with God for putting her through this situation. Why would He allow something like this to happen?

We will never know all the reasons He allowed my parents and family to go through that situation, but I believe it's because He had a special plan for her life that wouldn't be the same without that little situation upon her birth.

We are not our past, but our story and destiny would not be the same without it.

I can't help but rejoice every year on my sister's birthday because I can hear the news the doctors gave us, she won't make it, resounding in my head. And instantly I think about the One who did make it. Her birthday is a constant reminder of the Almighty God we serve.

Today marks 20 years that my little sister has been apart of this family and alive on this Earth. I'm so glad He wanted and allowed her to be apart of this family.

When I think back on her life there is just something special about her, and I truly believe it's a part of the special plan He had for her. She has this smile that seems to never leave her face and light up whatever room she's in. She's the one friend that will always be there even when you stab her in the back 20 times. You never feel like she's requiring anything from you or judgemental about who you are. She simply accepts you as you are, and wants you around. She's one of the best listener's I know and is so very humble. One of the coolest things about her is that she doesn't think she's special at all. She has other simple stories in her life that are beautiful testimony's of the Soveriegn God we serve. I am so blessed to have this miracle in my life and it wouldn't be the same without her.

Happy Birthday, Casie! I love you more than you will ever know!

I'm so glad there was nothing they could do... because then there was room for all that He wanted to do.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, October 1st 2009

Outside my window... the sun is shining and the wind is blowing lightly. It was actually pretty chilly this morning while I was standing outside doing car duty. The fall weather is definitely starting to show it's face and i'm so excited! Such pretty colors await us!

I am thinking...
that i've grown so much over the past few months. Its amazing to me how God can turn a person or situation around in such a short time and in the most simple way. Praise You, Lord!

I am reading...
He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen - it's a devotional chapter book that I really enjoy. The author reminds us continually through out the pages of the book that God's feelings for us never change. His love for us is unconditional, steady, constant, and eternal. I truly believe our whole outlook would change if we could just wrap our minds around the fact that He just LOVES us. You can't read your bible enough to make him love you more, you can't sing enough songs, be kind enough, work in all the different programs your church has.... stop trying - HE LOVES YOU!

A friend also let me borrow The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey! I have now stared at myself in the mirror and admitted that I am the person with the problem (ha)... and now i'm ready to get a budget and plan started.

From the kitchen...
i'm not sure what's going on in the kitchen. Mom prepared a very delicious, spontaneous meal the other night for dinner. If you know her you are already aware of how picky an eater she is. With her being the cook of the family that kind of means we all get to eat what she picks. haha. She stepped out of her box the other night and cooked something new. It was yummy!!

I am thankful for...
my parents. They allow their 22 year old daughter who already graduated from college to continue to live at home (and I never hear them complain about it). I decided this week that I needed to step it up when it comes to helping out around the house. My bedroom and bathroom are mine and i'm good at keeping those clean, I also do my own laundry as well, but there are plenty of other things I could do around the house to help out my family and not just myself. Starting next week Monday's are going to be my evening to cook supper.

I am creating...
a consistent exercise routine. Okay, so maybe the consistent part isn't all that true, but I hope to make it that way. In August I took up running with the hopes of participating in a 5K sometime in the future. Dad and I ran 3.1 miles in 28 minutes the other night. Atleast we know we can finish now! :) On rainy evenings I try to continue my Shred workout by Jillian Michaels.

I am wearing...
a mixture of clothing right now that totally does not match. I took off my black dress pants and replaced them with my red, white, and blue Nike workout pants. I haven't gotten a chance to change my shirt yet - black cami and a long sleeve white fitted shirt. And pink moccasin looking house shoes.

I am hearing...
Francesca Battistelli singing on my playlist.

One of my favorite things...
most of the time I don't know what to put here, but today I feel like I could list off so many things that i'm learning to enjoy! We'll keep it short and say my kindergartener's! I know they technically aren't mine, but I feel like they might as well be and I love them so much! My favorite part of teaching and working at a school is the relationships - I never thought i'd enjoy it this much. I stinkin' love those children (it makes my eyes water)!!!

A few plans for the rest of the week...
a quick trip to pick up an accompaniment track for a wedding, preparing motions for Children's Choir, early release for the children tomorrow at school, and spending time with my family this weekend.

A picture thought I am sharing with you...
Katy's sweet children, Heidi and Luke, playing with my sunglasses. I miss not being able to see them as much as I did this summer.

Hello there bug eyes!!! haha!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Miss Kilgore and her stop sign! Haha! The 7 boys that I had to walk down the block and across the street were trying to tell me how to hold it properly. "You're suppose to hold it straight out so we don't get hit by the cars..." Really, thanks!

We actually had some free time at work today so we took a few pictures!

Diane wouldn't smile so I started talking to her like you do when you want an infant to smile at the camera. Totally got her!

This is my first bulletin board to "decorate" so I wanted to get a picture for keepsakes! This board is in the hallway just as you enter the front door to the school... slightly nerve-racking that everyone sees it.

The joys of working with your mother! (This picture was her idea, by the way. And no, that mask is NOT touching my face. You think i'd be that crazy with the flu going around?)