Monday, November 17, 2008

Day Book

For Today..... November 17, 2008

Outside my window... the sun is shining through the trees and someone is reving the truck engine.

I am thinking... that i should hurry up and post this before i'm late for school.

I am thankful for... opportunities to serve and be used. It's one of the only things that keeps me going.

From the kitchen... i'm pretty sure it's a mess in there. I am going to tackle that at the 10 o' clock hour.

I am wearing... white t-shirt, cami, khaki colored fleece jacket, blue jeans, khaki and brown mocasins, and hair pulled through my brown cap.

I am going... to class in about 2 seconds.

I am reading... On This Day by Carlson and my bible.

I am hoping... to once again get many school projects under my belt today. I procrastinate too much. If i'd just do it it'd be over with.

I am creating... my christmas list and creative ideas for gifts for the family. And also my bookshelf make-over.

I am hearing... still hearing that truck outside, plus the hum of this computer... other than that pure silence.

Around the house... dad and China are napping in the recliner. Everyone else is gone for the day.

One of my favorite things... feeling really close to the Lord, totally in tune and at peace with Him.

A few plans for the rest of the week... tonight i am meeting with 2 groups to work on presentations/projects/paper that are due within this week. Adult choir practice Tuesday and Wednesday. The usual weekly business.

Here is a picture thought i am sharing with you... Mary and I at Kendra's wedding summer of 07.

To read other daybooks click here!

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