Tuesday, June 10, 2008

being a kid....

I took the kids to Walmart today to get some toys for the pool. I figured since they are going to be the main ones playing with them in the first place, i might as well let them pick them out. There was a pretty good selection, compared to usual memories of the pool aisle at Walmart. As we were walking up to the door, Levi asked if he could ride in the buggy because he was too tired to walk. My first thought was, should a five year old be riding in a buggy? Is he too big? I was kind of annoyed today, so my initial reaction was to say no, but something stopped me. A memory popped in my head - I flashed back to all the times we use to go to the grocery store with mom when we were younger. We used to LOVE riding in the buggy! They had the best buggies, they were just the perfect hieght so you can sit underneath on the little rack thingy. And if i recall correctly, i was definetly older than 5. So we get inside, i pick up Levi, put him in the basket, and off we went! I don't remember the last time i pushed one of those things... but i just acted completely normal and confident as i used all my strength to walk at a normal pace and turn without looking like a weak nerd! haha i'm so retarted!

My wheels got to turnin after the buggy incident.... i started to think back on things that we did as children. I remember those liquid popsicles that you put in the freezer and after 2-3 days they are frozen and you can eat them - they come in 7 delicious colors : yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, and green! Sometimes mom would even let us create our own snow cones or popsicles - we'd get a cup and pour whatever liquid we wanted, yes we even made tea snow cones!!! haha, and then a few days later we'd get a spoon and go to town! My mother used to sit out by the pool and watch as Casie and I would pretend we were professional swimmers. We would flip upside down and put our feet in the air and try to make up routines... you know, you get in the deep water, put your palms on the ground, push up until your legs are above the water, and then you try ever so gracefully to twist until you're completely under water. :) yeah yeah, maybe we're weird! Also, one last quirky thing we did.... My dad used to have a golf cart, we would pretend it was our car and we'd drive ALL over the pasture! We would each plan our dream house and then place it somewhere in the yard, and make imaginery roads to get to each others home. O memories!!! I took a childgrowth and development class this past Spring- it explained alot, and helped to understand why children act the way they do! Especially the whole imaginery pretending stage!

Well, the Reading Club at the Library starts tomorrow morning... Zo and Levi have a doctors appointment in the afternoon, so i'm getting off a few hours early! I'm off to plan out the day...

Thank you Father for reminding me of my childhood, so that i can let Levi be a kid today..... i thank you for so many memories that i seem to so easily forget! Thank you for my parents.... Help me to be aware of what you are trying to teach me through them. Start now preparing me to be the mom that you want me to be. Let the changes inside of me be eternal, and not just swallowed up for today! Be with us tomorrow as we try this new club at the library... carry us through our day. I love You!


Gregory Anderson said...

Give those precious kids a big hug every day.

In their arms is where you will find God.

Megan said...

i'm not quite sure who you are....

these aren't my children though. i guess that's important to know when reading this blog.. i'm just the sitter! Although i am finding God everyday through this experience! Thanks for your comment and counsel.

and i will be sure to not only hug them, but love them.