Sunday, June 1, 2008

wisdom from the Lord, through Beth...

from Beth Moore, Breaking Free - Day by Day.

So God heard their groaning, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Exodus 2:24

Not only did God hear their cry, but upon hearing them He remembered His covenant with them... so therefore He was moved to act... He came down and rescued them. God knows our suffering from the very first pang. However, He desires to hear us cry out to Him specifically for His help. God never misses a single cry from one of His children, and He always has a rescue mission planned. Within God's timing we can be sure that He will move in behalf of His children, yet for His glory.

Reading this today reminded me of how much God desires to have a relationship with me.... it's not as if i pray and He thinks, "o really, that happened to you today... you feel mad? o my gosh, well here, this is what i can do..." No, that's not it. But He does limit himself, so that we can have a relationship with Him. He desires this! He already knows our sin, yet wants us to be able to come to Him, asking for forgiveness.... If only we realized the depth of God's love...

Father, help it to sink into the depths of our hearts and beings...

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